What is Coaching?
Personal Coaching…
01 — Focuses on You
Two great brains working together, uninterrupted, for one hour every week focusing on YOU; your hopes, your fears, your dreams, your insecurities, your life, and your future.
02 — Offers Objective Perspective
Ever hear the saying “Can’t see the forest for the trees?” If you haven’t, there it is. What it means is you’re unable to understand the situation because you’re too involved in it. Just like a fish is often unaware of the water it swims in, the same goes for us humans. Sometimes we can’t see what’s right in front of (or rather between) our own eyes. My coaching sessions are designed so that we can sit together, unpack your brain, see it for what it is, then, intentionally and objectively, choose what goes back in.
03 — Provides Applicable Tools
It’s all well and good to talk about “manifesting” the life of our dreams but, how do we actually do that? With the heart of a teacher, I’ll educate you on specific mind-management tools, until you fully understand them, so you can see what your brain is doing and take control over it.
04 — Fosters Confidence
Confidence is the state of feeling certain about the truth of something, the telling of private matters or secrets with mutual trust, and a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities. I provide all three of these: certainty, privacy, and the space for you to believe in your own abilities.